Kotty PostleKotty Postle, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Project title: TonB system in Gram-negative bacteria

Personal info: Long-held goal is to figure out how the TonB system works. Also enjoys square-dancing, gardening, and cooking.

Dale KoppDale Kopp
Graduate student
Project title: Activity-dependent ExbD protein interactions within the TonB system in vivo

Personal info: Fan of the outdoors, sports, and traveling

Alana LesnanskyAlana Lesnansky
Graduate student
Project title: Searching for novel proteins in the TonB dependent energy transduction system

Personal info: Fueled by coffee and a love of dance and knitting.

Jacob PotterJacob Potter
Graduate student
Project title: Mechanism of colicin B translocation through the TonB-dependent transporter FepA

Personal info: An avid reader of fiction, guitarist, technophile, and outdoor enthusiast. Seeks to utilize scientific research to help create a brighter future for mankind.

Glenn HwangGlenn Hwang
Research Technician
Project title: In vivo TonB interactions with FepA

Personal info: Likes to take a 6-hour nap and travel (always taking a window seat)

oriko MikeaskyNoriko Mikeasky
Research technician
Project title: Mutagenesis and characterization of ExbB

Personal info: A proud tea and coffee addict who loves antiques

Rijul BhimwalRijul Bhimwal
Undergraduate Researcher
Project title: Studies on colicin B

Personal info:Biotechnology major - Class of 2020; Schreyer Honors College.
Resident Assistant and Learning Assistant for Microbiology classes.
Owner of multiple giant plush microbes.

Elizabeth McFaddenElizabeth McFadden
Undergraduate Researcher
Project: In vivo inhibition of TonB activity with small peptides.

Personal info: BMB major (F 2019 graduation) who is passionate about golf, learning, and making others laugh.

Avinash Bakshi
Avinash Bakshi
Undergraduate Researcher
Project title: Chief maker of mutants

Personal info: Sophomore majoring in BMB, treasurer of Penn State College Independents, lover of fencing and soccer.

Marigold and Fanny Petunia
"Lab" mascots
Project title: Recruiting